Why Cork Fabric Is The Best

Our fashion accessories are handcrafted with luxe eco-friendly cork fabric. Be stylish with sustainably harvested cork.

Cork Oak trees are not cut down to harvest the cork. The Cork Oak trees actually benefit from the cork bark being carefully harvested by hand. More carbon is absorbed by the trees after the bark is harvested as the tree grows new bark.

These trees are also a significant part of the Montado forest - home to numerous species including the endangered Iberian Lynx. The Iberian Lynx is the world's most endangered cat. Its numbers were down to around 100 in 2002, but have now grown to nearly 500. It is important to treasure the Cork Oak trees as they are an important part of many animals' habitat.

Cork bark is prepared for use by simple and chemical free processing. The Cork bark is left to dry for about six months, then soaked in water and finally pressed to the desired thickness. Compare this to leather, plastic or PVC processing!

Cork fabric is a beautiful material, with each piece being unique as it is totally natural. With water resistance, fire resistance, durability and strength, cork fabric is the perfect eco-friendly material for a wide range of fashion accessories.

Multimedia collage

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